Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our Table

 I had been looking for a table for months, but just couldn't find the RIGHT one!  And I didn't want to spend too much money on it either because I was looking for a project.

Then one morning I was looking on Craigslist and found a cute farm style table with 4 chairs for $40!!  I thought "WOW, that is a great deal!"  I saw nothing lower then $125 the weeks before!  I took my chances and offer the lady $20 if I paid cash and picked it up THAT morning.  She said 'sure' and I was ecstatic to say the least!

But more then the cheap price I paid for it is the fact that my whole family helped me sand the table and chairs (that's the part I hate the most because I do it all by hand.)  I am so happy with the results and it fits our style and home perfectly.  Now off to my next project...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Can You Say S-L-A-C-K-E-R?

Here I thought by quitting my job, I'd actually have loads more "free time" for blogging.  Nope.  Here's what's been going on with us...

I received this dresser from a dear friend who had the nerve to move away from me!  And BEFORE summer no less...so I took it out on said dresser and gave it a mini face-lift...

I removed all of the hardware and put the boys and any neighborhood kids who happened to wander over to WORK!  They did a great job lightly sanding it down...

Here it is finished.  It was sooo easy.  I primed it with Krylor spray paint and after it dried I sprayed it with the same brand but in Almond.  (BTW if you ever want to paint/refurbish furniture...spray paint it baby!  I've painted furniture as well and I will NEVER do it again!  Too long of a DIY for my taste.)  Then I sprayed the hardware with Krylors Oil rubbed metal which I love!  Distressed it a bit and wa-la.  Not bad for a free piece of much needed storage for all of my crafty/sewing stuff.

We went boating with our friends the Forsloffs and my sisters family!  It was AWESOME!

Erin and I knee boarding...

Officer K with the boys at our City's 'Graffiti Night!

Officer K and I...he was able to stop by on July 4th while we were doing fireworks at my parents house!

Kickin back with my dad and oldest son Kobe!  Hands down Roseburg is the coolest place to spend summers and July 4th...esp. when you live on the river and can hear the music on the Half Shell!!

The boys and their cousins raising the flag on my parents property!!  
This is a cool tradition!

My sister Erin and I...we missed you Jaime!

Watching the fireworks with grandma and mom.  Aunt Meredith (my moms sister) was there too, but she pulled a 'Kristen' and quickly darted when she saw the camera!  CHEEKY!

Cool Uncle Lane once again the Grand Marshall and Director of the firework show!  He even JUMPED between fireworks which made all us mothers thrilled! ;-)

One last pic of the hubby and I...proud of this guy!

It's been a GREAT summer so far and we're ONLY 1/2 way through!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

What's been going on with us...

 Handmade Burp Cloths for some of Carl's co-workers who just had babies.
(inspiration from here)

Top view, love the little tags from Michaels!

Putting my 'twine' to good use!  Love that stuff!

Lil Carl's 9th Birthday!!

It's Teacher Appreciation Week!!  Made these chocolate bars for the teacher's aids.
(idea from where else?...eighteen25 blog)

...and for the teachers...a SUMMER BAG!!

Made the tags and attached them to these cute beach bags!

Full of all the necessities for a marvelous summer!
Thank you to all those who teach our children!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Now This is More Like it!

(My inspiration from Pinterest.)
 icandyhandmade came up with a super easy tutorial for a dress for her daughter!  
I just adapted it for my size.

...this is what I came up!  
It's not as flouncy as the one above.  I am still a newbie at this whole sewing thing.  I can cut a straight line, but if it calls for an angle...forget about it!

I am quite happy about it to be honest.  
It's really comfortable!
OH, and
please forgive the non-makeup, pasty white skin, crazy hair girl in the picture.  It's another rainy-ish day and that's just how I roll to make it through the day! 

It's Spring Break in this household!  Woohoo...sleeping in, staying up late and hangin with my boys = happiness!

Off to sew some more...have a great weekend!  

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Beauty Omission

I have been asked to speak to some youth in our Stake regarding 'Modesty'.  Big Task, but it has been so fun putting this lesson together for them!  I have also learned so much more while doing some research.  Just wanted to share with you a DVD that I will be showing near the end of the lesson as well as some fun handouts!

Don't you just LOVE President Uchtdorf?!  Every talk he has ever given in Conference I gain some new profound knowledge from him!  And he's not hard on the eyes either (did I just say that?) ;-)

Handout #1  'Modest Girls Rock'...because we do!  Totally!

Handout #2 a picture of Christ for the youth to hang on their mirror.
It reads, "Would I feel comfortable with my appearance today if I were in the Lord's presence?"

I have been so blessed by my calling, serving in the YW's program for so many years!

(The handout ideas came from Pinterest of course and can be found on my 'LDS' board)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Oh those pesky Leprechauns!

Those Cheeky little leprechauns turned my house upside down, leaving 3-leaf clovers everywhere!!

Clues were left all over the house, and the boys were hoping it would lead to a TREASURE!

 and they did!!!

Even our 14 yr old got into the FUN and helped his brothers find the hidden treasures!
Happy St. Patty's everyone!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Type A + Sewing = ggggrrrrrhhhhhh!!

Another "attempt" at sewing a skirt for myself...WHY is it so difficult for me though?!  I had a free afternoon and thought it'd be "fun" to try it again.  I want to scream and pull my hair out by the end of it!  BUT I will keep on trying!  I refuse to give up!  That's JUST NOT in my DNA! haha
Stay tuned for some more attempts in the future...next up, a super duper cute (more tapered/pencil skirt) skirt I spyed on 'Pinterest'!
I've been asked by some readers to post my tutorial for these skirts...dare I admit that there is NO tutorial!  It's all by eye.  hhhhmmmm perhaps THAT's why they never turn out quite right. ;-)